Sunday 13 June 2010

The hips

Welcome to the Junes blog, last month I had the knee fetish and said I would talk about helping knee pain and so now we work our way up to the hips.As you may of gathered the knee pain is more than likely coming from the hip, or foot but don't forget it may not be shoulders have had effects on knees. In my day to day practice I get all sorts of clients come to me with their training needs, some of them have been referred to me because of pain usually in the lower back but it can cover all areas including knees.
I will only work with people once they have had the all clear from the hospital or GP and some after having MRI scans. Sometimes I get the request to have a look at someone with regards to training them for something specific. Before I start any training we work through some basic movement patterns and one of them is the tri plane hip mobility. Have a go and see if your hips are moving. Gary Gray said once in a session that I attended in London,’ if the hips aren’t moving the body’s not grooving’, how true!

Hip mobilises
These movement patterns allow the hip area to loosen up ready for the rest of the training programme
Try and keep relaxed in the shoulders and upper body area when performing them.
Sometimes it is better to perform with no shoes on but if it feels uncomfortable keep your foot wear on.
 Try and perform 30sec on each move
 If when performing the moves, it feels not right slow the move down or come back to it later. Work to your transformational
zone = TZ.

Start position
 Left foot is placed high on a box or
 Hands shoulder height on the wall
 Right leg is straight heel of foot
pushed into the floor

Side too side movement = S2S
 Rock / move hips side to side

Twist movement = TM
 Twist hips towards the wall and then away
 Try and keep heel of back leg on the floor

Forward and backward movement
= F&B
 Tilt/rock the hips forward then back
 Keep the heel of the back foot on the

Now move too the side then repeat the mobilises
Keep same left foot on the box/chair
and slightly bent right leg straight
 Repeat the same movement patterns
only in a different sequence
1st F&B 2nd TW 3rd S2S

 Keep left foot on the box/chair slightly bent. The right leg which is
now the leg in the front slightly bent
 Repeat the same movement patterns only in a different sequence
1st S2S 2nd TW 3rd F&B
 Now repeat with the right leg on the box and the left leg on the floor