Saturday 24 December 2011

Decembers 2011 Gut, gluten and 23 1/2 hours

one of my favorite clips of the moment simple but effective.

Is fat as bad as they say? Me thinks not!

  Believe me it was steep! well I thought so.

Another great person whose passion and knowledge for her subject is inspiring.
Her book, gut and psychology syndrome. GAPS is a must for all who are interested in nutrition and health.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Novembers blog. Bone broth, Ginger Ale and the brain

This is my latest Novembers blog, enjoy your Autumn people lots of leafy walks and hot nourishing food.

  ginger ale part 1

part 2  
My home made Ginger Ale parts 1 and 2 ......yummy, and good for the gut as a fermented food.

 bone broth part 1

part 2

Bone broth part 3 

Our lovely late October walk, looking down the valley towards Bethesda

Feldenkrais, Ruthy Alon, Bones for life

Why we have brains..... another brilliant TED talk!

last but still one of my training favorites the TRX running sequence 

Enjoy your Autumn. And once again let me say movement means your alive 
so the bigger the movement the more we feel alive. As the ad goes your worth it!

Monday 3 October 2011

October and back in action

Where does the time go? Summer and now Autumn what happened to all my plans? Well I did do most of them but the cycle and camp over night never came about. I have really enjoyed being less busy in the studio this summer, people away on holiday means I can catch up on reading and researching my favorite topics, the human body in movement and nutrition. I am about to give my first talk on Functional Training and movement in Manchester so I am looking forward to that more about that next time. Enjoy your Autumn x

Gary Gray talking about functional flexibility

Fascia we love you!!!

Tuesday 2 August 2011

August Blog .......Kefir, Vipr, and a whole lot more:-)


Tryfan we love you 
Augusts is upon us and so most of my free time I try to get outside and enjoy the sun and my garden, getting as much vitamin D as I can which as you know helps our immune systems and as we don't get a lot of sun so I'm out in it as much as I can, blog permitting. 

Here below is a good radio interview with Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride on the GAPS diet have a listen and be amazed, as I was.
The GAPS Diet with Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride 08/11 by Underground Wellness | Blog Talk Radio

 The London Irish Rugby Team in Training

The Kefir Clip if you want more info have a look at Doms Kefir site for all things Kefir

Outdoor fun with the Vipr

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Axis All Areas

this is a short clip about what you will experience when booking a session with Axis All Areas

Monday 4 July 2011

A functional life for always which means dont belive a word I say

 Hello to all of you out there in Functional training land, what ever that means? this is a great time of year for me and this months video blog says it all. I ask you all to question just like a child does why? Why is it that humans are getting fatter and yet most of the time eating low fat diet products. Don't just take it for written that what you are told is always the truth.

 Mavis showing us how it is done in the studio last month have a look at her with the TRX simply brilliant inspiration to us all.
Dr John Briffa pod cast    Podcast – 3rd June 2011

Monday 6 June 2011

Train well train smart and enjoy

 Hey its summer! The sun has been shinning and I am really enjoying my garden at the moment salad crops abound and not many slugs, strange but true only a few holes in a few leaves. My training is a bit erratic at the moment but am coming to terms with understanding what I need to do to keep my fitness level and my health at a good level. If you want to know more on whats happening here below is my brief or not so brief June update.

Above video is of body tribes I like the simple moves and the fact they look like they are having fun then
below is another body tribe clip of a warm up.

  Now this clip below just reminds me to keep my movement patterns flowing and to keep my flexibility training up along with that all important functional strength training
 What ever your age training should be fun and challenging, so with the body the brain gets a workout to. Enjoy your movement x


Wednesday 11 May 2011

Mays blog the 3 W's walking water and weights

Welcome to this months may blog this month it is about 3 W's Water, Walking, and Weight lifting have a look the other videos they are really an eye opener to how long power walking and weight lifting has been going on. On the water front drink more you feel so much better enjoy your movement with better hydration x

  The origins of power walking

Monday 7 March 2011

The New Studio 2011 the film new web site

New web site
Hello all you people out in movement land things are hotting up in Bangor, I am having some really nice positive feed back about the studio. We have a great team of people working in the building Nicci Davies, and Morgie Bowie see the web site Arfon Physiotherapy and Wendy Dineen Nutrition Always who is brillant on the nutrition front,and not one but two hypnotherapists, so all needs catered there.
     Check out the video clip below on You Tube I must invest in a good camera or get better at taking shots but hey its fun and I want people to see what a great space it is.
I have gone out and invested in some rocks from the Menai Strait, have a look at Rodney Corn on You tube rock one and two, so simple but effective.

and have a look at my lunch time smoothie clips yum yum, keep moving and living life to the full

Sunday 20 February 2011

Christopher McDougall: Are we born to run? | Video on

Christopher McDougall: Are we born to run? | Video on
For all of you into barefoot or want to hear more about it please watch this video clip from the TED lectures. Brilliant !!!!

Wednesday 16 February 2011

The New Functional training studio

Hello to all of you out there in Functional training land. Times they are a changing, as the song goes, and for me there has been a huge change, scary in one way but exciting in another.

The Studio lots of room and light

The TRX hanging without shame, it has pride of place
in the middle of the room

 Introducing the new studio in Bangor. How lovely it is too have space to move around in and with comfort, Great for the TRX 360'movement, I have increased my Vipr range we now have a 6 kg to 20 kg now.
New to the range of functional workout tools are light club bells great for hand grip, shoulder stabilization and shoulder range of movement. Have a look at the videos the clubs bells I have, are a lot lighter for a great introduction. Below the studio are two physiotherapist and two hypnotherapist,  we also have a great nutritionist, (smoothies to die for), it is sooooo great to be with a team of professionals who love what they do.
  Enjoy your movement.

the new 'let me give you my card'
 the address, 42 Glanrafon.
Bangor LL57 1LL