Monday 6 June 2011

Train well train smart and enjoy

 Hey its summer! The sun has been shinning and I am really enjoying my garden at the moment salad crops abound and not many slugs, strange but true only a few holes in a few leaves. My training is a bit erratic at the moment but am coming to terms with understanding what I need to do to keep my fitness level and my health at a good level. If you want to know more on whats happening here below is my brief or not so brief June update.

Above video is of body tribes I like the simple moves and the fact they look like they are having fun then
below is another body tribe clip of a warm up.

  Now this clip below just reminds me to keep my movement patterns flowing and to keep my flexibility training up along with that all important functional strength training
 What ever your age training should be fun and challenging, so with the body the brain gets a workout to. Enjoy your movement x