Tuesday 2 August 2011

August Blog .......Kefir, Vipr, and a whole lot more:-)


Tryfan we love you 
Augusts is upon us and so most of my free time I try to get outside and enjoy the sun and my garden, getting as much vitamin D as I can which as you know helps our immune systems and as we don't get a lot of sun so I'm out in it as much as I can, blog permitting. 

Here below is a good radio interview with Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride on the GAPS diet have a listen and be amazed, as I was.
The GAPS Diet with Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride 08/11 by Underground Wellness | Blog Talk Radio

 The London Irish Rugby Team in Training

The Kefir Clip if you want more info have a look at Doms Kefir site for all things Kefir

Outdoor fun with the Vipr