Monday 10 September 2012

September blog, I'm back with updated news of.......

Hello functional training people.

How has your summer been? 
      So much has been happening here is sunny Wales.......where do I start. Ive moved to a cute cottage, in the foot hills of Snowdonia, investing in a simpler life style. So with this comes the challenge of food production (organic of course) and so ill grow some and then invest my spare time in Moelyci which is a communtiy veg scheme down the road to me they have lots of poly tunnels well 3 and a great community composting scheme . I was digging up potatoes last week very satisfying! 
    Anyway I'm about to put together a community blog for local net working, we need a page for all the great but missed projects/ events/ that are happening in and around this area. I'll keep you posted.  

September post ( why is it that the start of most of my clips I pull a weird face?)

I think Tom Myers rocks fascia is so brilliant!!!

Feldenkrais it something I use with my clients again great results .

The gorilla crawl in my case chimp as I use a 6 kg Vipr with some of my clients