Friday 4 January 2013

A happy healthy mindful New Year

Hello happy healthy people this is my first blog of the new year. May I take this opportunity to wish you a year that lives up to all your expectations, so that places the ball firmly back in your court in other words we all create our own reality, good or bad!
  As 2012 was interesting 2013 I suspect will no different. I was last year busy studying and oh yes studying. If you want too understand and in turn enhance your life then to experience the pleasure of new information or ideas is for me one of lifes must! This is a time to set goals be creative with them but let them measurable. Celebrate your successes  then make a new list and start again.
This video blog is mostly about nutrition, again some may say I'm a geek regarding reading and researching nutrition but it is one of my favourite subjects. Below I have added some related topics, covering the mind, body, and spirit, part of my business.
So once again keep life fun, full of mindful movement with a pinch of creative strength. x
ps I should of said Wayne Dyer x