Monday 25 October 2010

Long Live the North Wales team

    Sometimes I forget how import it is to have fun with friends/colleagues and how important my they are to me. I get wrapped up in the functional fitness world as great as it is and forget that we are not just body but mind and spirit as well and the balance is important to our health.

At Blackpool convention 

      This short little clip is from the Conwy 2010 Fitness Wales autumn tour it was taken at the end so we are looking a little bit worse for wear, after 4hours of aerobics with a bit of stretchy yoga , but after a second look scrap that last statement as I think the girls look really good. 

In this video clip is a few of us dedicated Aerobic Instructors, some teach children's  Fit Club, some teach adults in small local halls, some teach in leisure centres for very small amounts of money I my add which can make us feel under valued for the valuable work we do. Some take fall prevention classes and some of us including me teach good old fashion aerobics.

Each year I see the same faces and a few new ones, which I love as we have been attending these events for 15 years +, well some of us have and it reminds me that; yes I may pick up the latest aerobic move or a new to the market gadget for circuit, or find a great new piece of music/CD, but what really is the best thing about these conventions is seeing lots of great people you haven't seen for ages having a laugh, chatting about our work, and knowing that we are providing a service that keeps people healthy and fit, what ever the age or ability. 
So long live the North Wales health and fitness team, you truly do make a difference in lots of ways. 

Enjoying a pre dinner slurp 

Monday 18 October 2010

Gil Hedley: Fascia and stretching: The Fuzz Speech

This is a great clip to remind us all the importance of that morning stretch or day time stretch or evening stretch. How many times do we see animals like a dog or cat wake up from a long sleep and before they do anything they stretch.......just like us!
   Most of the adult population including myself I hasten to add jump or flop out of bed quickly get dressed sit down, to breakfast sit down in the car to work sit down at the office sit down at lunch sit down in the car returning from work sit down for dinner sit down to watch a bit of TV. Sometimes we go to the gym or go for a long walk or just move, we may feel stiff or even in pain doing some movements.

See the clip below but be warned, a human body / fascia is shown in the demo, but I like it because he loves fascia and knows the importance of good movement in fascia or in his words the fuzz, long live a fuzz and my yours never fuzz up too much.