Sunday 9 May 2010

Barefoot running at the 5k Race for Life Caernarfon

This blog is my account of running in the Caernarfon 5k. The ground under foot was part tarmac and part grass so had to move pretty quickly on uneven surfaces. Here is the start of the race
I started slow at the back to be fair, but that gave me the chance to chat to a few friends on the way along the Strait. I really enjoyed my run the weather was good and in my barefoots I felt strong in my running.

For those people starting out walking or running in barefoots trainers train smart there a alot of U Tube clips to get you started have a look. I would also say I did my tri plane warm up and 3D stretches before I started so that added to my free running movement. I have noticed when running I have a lot more thoracic extension which gives me more abdominal loading these days. I still need to work on my right hip extension but that I think is product of my left shoulder injury which is in recovery from my snowboarding crash. In my next blog I shall move up the chain from the foot to the hip and write about that chain reaction. Enjoy your movement

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