Monday 24 May 2010

Causes of Knee Soreness

A lot of my clients come to realise as their sessions mount up from weeks into years that the training I offer is not the traditional gym based training. Yes the results or outcomes they want are tide into their programme but as a functional trainer I have to ask myself are they moving and performing those movements well. As we move up the chain we go to an area which I feel gets a lot of blame I talk of the knees. Time after time I hear these chosen words, ‘I can’t /run/ go up or down mountains/ walk far/ squat/ lunge, because of my knees’. Now I have to say if you have had an injury to the knee or knees then ok but still I say things can be improved, but if not why are you getting knee pain? The knee like the rest of our body reacts to the ground and goes through that tri plane loading. As I wrote about the foot in my earlier blog hitting the ground, that reaction of loading in all three planes works its way up the body. The knee reacts the same, dissipating some of that force, and in doing so it will move forward, frontal plane (to the side) and even rotate, Have a look at Gary Gray talk about the this subject to David Tiberio on there U Tube site. In my next blog I will give some strategies / training to help the knee and give some true stories of my clients and there successful training for there knee pain. Keep moving you know it makes sense

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