Monday 3 February 2014

Better late than ....? February's Blog 2014

Hello blog people and once again if my video hasn't said enough my apologies for 2months away from blogging. Why? well there is no excuse except life. This month blogs is a look at my passions/projects. As Joseph Campbell quote goes 'follow your bliss', I have been trying to use my intuition and do just that. Using my manifesting mind maps I have been drawing on my creative nature (as we all can) and allowing that to lead me into new adventures. So with that listen to the vid and look at the other clips and one extra from one of my favourite business people... No not Sir Richard Branson though he is well up there in top slot but Maria Forleo, she talk about money one of my favourite subjects as it has been a source of intrigue, so watch and be lead by your heart with the odd check into your thoughts and all will be well. Have a fun Feb x

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