Monday 23 August 2010

Rule #1: Exercise boosts brain power.

Brain Rules

 Another brilliant but shorter video clip to yet again reinforce the importance of getting off your back side and start moving. Training is for life, this will enhance your body and brain for every day life experiences. It will only get better when you deicide 'your worth it' as that advert keeps saying. 
       So why do so many people not get it? I think it's because some people want somebody else to do it for them the word is lazy. We live in a world of can't do it, won't do it, can someone else do it. 
    I will add to this blog that all my clients yes all my clients are 'I can do it' people which makes it so much nicer when we train together and the results are  ...... better, faster, fitter, and fun, people. because they know they are worth it. Life, bring it on.

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