Tuesday 12 November 2013

Its Novembers Blog...What are calories? and other interesting stuff

Hello and thank you, to all who have taken time out to read and look at this blog.
    This month is a busy month for me, what with our film night, along with workshops and talks as well as teaching and working with my fantastic clients life is truly amazing.
This blog touches on calories and the importance of not taking them too seriously but helps you demystify the whole debate around calories. I also talk about my first nutrition workshop 'I'm so excited' and other news around Xmas at Axis. Enjoy November x

Monday 23 September 2013

Septembers Blog 2013 Fermenting, bacteria, and movement.

Hello Happy Blog People .......all caps because your worth it!
        So I did promise an early blog but life is fairly busy in a nice way, at this moment in time,...film nights, raw share nights, new lovely clients and really enjoying time with friends.
      In this blog I waffle on in my usual way about things to come so I'll let you view the blog and all the other links,... fairly excited about the movement one he mentions the metaphysical side of training whow!!!! like whow !!! a trainer talking about metaphysical brillant. So please enjoy and post any comments feedback or email me I will try and answer all :-)

My short video on Kefir

Water Kefir 

Body Tribe Skills ......love this 

Burzynski part 2 
We are going to show this next year

Setting Goals

KEFIR - a living food, long-life secret
(Milk kefir)
For the last two years I have been using and supplying to my clients Kefir. So what is Kefir? Milk kefir is a probiotic cultured milk drink that originated in the northern Caucasus Mountains many centuries ago. Kefir means "feel good" in Turkish. It has a thick creamy sticky consistency,
tastes a little like yogurt, and has a milky, yeasty smell. After a few days in the same container, the smell can become very sharp and cheesy, but it is NOT putrid.
Kefir is unlike most other dairy products because it is easily digestible and contains little sugar (lactose), especially if you let it ferment for a longer period. The proteins in the milk are also broken down, and are virtually in a pre-digested state. I drink it on its own, as a meal in itself, and a source of protein. Some people combine it with fruit or muesli, or use it to make a smoothie. The whey makes a great starter for sourdough breads, cakes, and all forms of baking. If, like most people, you have a damaged digestive system, a glass of kefir is a magic soothing and healing product. You may find that during the hours after drinking it, your stomach feels settled and stable.
Unlike yogurt, kefir contains around thirty strains of bacteria and yeast, mostly including lactobacillus bacteria. The culture comes in little translucent balls called grains, though these grains have nothing to do with any kind of cereal. They are a complex bio-matrix structure of soluble gel-polysaccharide, organic acids, yeasts and bacteria. This polysaccharide called Kefiran is made from two mono-saccharides, Glucose and Galactose in almost equal proportions. Kefiran has anti-tumour properties, preventing the development of metastasis. It is an anti-inflammatory and is an excellent stimulant for your immune system. The grains produce their own antibiotics. Kefir is rich in minerals and vitamins, particularly the B group, and vitamin K2. Kefir slows the ageing process and has many healing properties, helping with heart and artery disease, lowering cholesterol levels and regulating hypertension / blood pressure. It assists your digestive system, healing the liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas, gall bladder and stomach ulcers, and soothing your digestive and urinary tracts.
For people who do not have milk in there diet you can purchase water Kefir with similar properties. 

Thursday 22 August 2013

August blog....... its a wee bit late sorry

Hello to everyone who reads/looks at my ramblings. Sometimes after I look at my personal uploaded videos I get a feeling of 'whow' I talk fast. Those of you out there that know me personally understand how excited I get as there is so much great info that people need to get hold of I just have to cram it in. This information is saving people from untold pain and misery so it is my passion and yes I can get carried away. So on with the show ............and oh yes, thanks for the great feed back :-)

this is our next Raw theme 


Body movement 
you have to love this ....well I do 

Our October film part 2 to be shown next year 

Bruce Lipton on happyness creat your own 
I love this guy

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Julys blog 2013

Hello happy summer people this blog comes as the sun beams through into my house, so many good things happening this time of year so watch the videos to get the flavour of things that have inspired me and things to inspire all of us.

I keep saying it but I love this way of working out and you can 
adapt it to suit any level. In fact did some of the moves 
with my class tonight.
Our film for September

Get some Juice

Super food Maca amazing in so many ways

Thursday 27 June 2013

My Raw food offering

Hello summer people after last nights Raw food pot luck some of you were asking for the recipe of the summer rolls that I made so here it is and yes with pictures.

Summer Rolls

* 1 cup of macadamia nuts chopped
* 2 leaves i used spring greens cut in half with the   
    center rib removed 
* 1 carrot julienned
* 1/2 cucumber cut into strips 
* 1 yellow bell pepper cut into stripes 
*  sesame seeds

Spicy Almond Dressing 

Himalayan pink salt 
* 2 cups of raw almond butter I used raw but its an option 
* 4 roma tomatoes 
* 1/2 cup tamari  
* 1/4 cup sesame oil 
* 3 tablespoons lime juice
* 3 inch piece ginger
* 1 inch of lemon grass
* 3 red chilli seeds removed 
* 1 teaspoon of sea salt I used Himalayan pink salt

Dipping Sauce 

* 4 cups of pineapple juice
* 1/2 cup agave 
* 4 tables spoons of red bell pepper flakes 
* 2 tablespoons of paprika 
*  sea salt to taste 

How to make 

Mix macadamia nuts with enough Spicy Almond Dressing to hold together. Place mixture on a collard leaf and top with carrot, cucumber, bell pepper, and sesame seeds. Roll tightly. If needed, use Spicy Almond Dressing to hold ends together. Serve with Red Chile–Pineapple Dipping Sauce 

Spicy Almond Dressing 
Blend all ingredients in high-speed blender until completely smooth. Thin with water as needed. 

Dipping Sauce
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and whisk.  Store in refrigerator. 

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Junes Blogs movement and raw food and a hint of summer

Hello to all of you reading this blog. Can I just take this opportunity to say thank you to all of you reading this page and also say a big thank you for all the great comments good and not so good that come back to me.
                   So this months video clip says it all.......so I'll finish up by writing ...enjoy the moment, as we will never experence this moment again.......... message to self  'don't waste it!'.

                                       I love this guy ..........excuse his language

This is the link to Debs blog.....Our Raw food event on the 25th June 7pm 

go girls !!

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Mays Blog something for everybody

Hello to all of you reading this blog and thankyou for taking time to read this blog.
     How wonderful is this time of year? As I was striding up my hill to work today I heard the sound of my first of the year cuckoo, which lends itself too.....well in my world a sense of comfort knowing that spring/summer is here.
    So with that I shall introduce the video they seem to get longer each month, but I do enjoy making them so you could forgo my video and look at the other really great clips I have for you this month.
Once again I wish everyone a happy healthy mindful May :-)

                                                        Raw mazing web site

This is the link for the Gluten pod cast really really interesting information 

Bruce Lipton - You Are What You Eat

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Turmeric, Ginger and Lemon tea

Turmeric Ginger Lemonade

Prep and cook time:  20 minutes       Serves 4

4   cups water
1   teaspoon turmeric (or a 3-inch strip fresh turmeric root, peeled)
1   teaspoon ginger powder (or a 4-inch strip fresh ginger root, peeled)
honey or dark-liquid stevia, to taste
lemon slices, or the juice of a full lemon (to taste)

Put water into a small pot and bring to a boil on the stove. Make sure that the water has come to a full boil. Add turmeric and ginger to the boiling water and reduce to simmer for 8 to 10 minutes. This will extract the beneficial compounds from the turmeric and ginger. Remove the pot from the stove. Strain the tea into a cup through a fine-mesh strainer to filter out the particles of turmeric and ginger. Add sweetener and lemon to taste.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Aprils Blog.... Its spring thank God !!!!

Hello People this blog is a direct result from a good friend saying that she enjoyed them, and I then thought I hadn't written or posted Aprils blog so here it is. With all my usual babbling in my own style of what ever comes into my head, and with a little help from a small amount of notes which are so small (font wise) that I end up missing a few points, but you'll get the gist. I'm just mad about getting people healthy and fit .....end of story!

Tuesday 19 March 2013

March's Blog all things wonderful!!

Hello and welcome too March blog. Spring is here and don't you just love all the flowers poking up everywhere, daffodils are some of my favourite bulbs but hey I'm not fussy just great to see flowers again. lots of great clips and updates in this months blog so have a meander through and ponder how it my be helpful in your life. Enjoy ....your health x

Opps at the end of my video I said see you May that really meant April more,... coconut oil for me!!

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Februarys Blog 2013

Hello and welcome to this blog. Where does the time go it only seems a short while that January was here and now its Feb and the first buds of spring start to show their heads, how I love spring.

 I am so lucky to have a life style that allows me so much freedom in my work and play. And there it is, the answer to a lot of peoples worry and stress, they just feel trapped, and with that comes all the pressure looking forward to the future or reflecting about the past, never really in the now and enjoying it. So in this blog there is a snippet from Head Space about worry, brilliant well worth a look, and one of my favourite woman on self compassion Kristin Neff her books are well worth purchasing. So until next month may you live each day in health and happiness :-)

What is kefir?

Milk kefir is a refreshing, probiotic cultured milk drink that originated in the northern Caucasus Mountains many centuries ago. Kefir means "feel good" in Turkish. It has a thick creamy sticky consistency, tastes a little like yogurt, and has a milky, yeasty smell. After a few days in the same container, the smell can become very sharp and cheesy, but it is NOT putrid. Many aromatic compounds contribute to its unique flavour and distinctive pleasant aroma. Kefir has a slight natural carbonated effervescence, and contains between 0.08 - 2 % alcohol.
Kefir is unlike most other dairy products because it is easily digestible and contains little sugar (lactose), especially if you let it ferment for a longer period. The proteins in the milk are also broken down, and are virtually in a pre-digested state. I drink it on its own, as a meal in itself, and a source of protein. Some people combine it with fruit or muesli, or use it to make a smoothie. The whey makes a great starter for sourdough breads, cakes, and all forms of baking. If, like most people, you have a damaged digestive system, a glass of kefir is a magic soothing and healing product. You may find that during the hours after drinking it, your stomach feels settled and stable.
Unlike yogurt, kefir contains around thirty strains of bacteria and yeast, mostly including lactobacillus bacteria. The culture comes in little translucent balls called grains, though these grains have nothing to do with any kind of cereal. They are a complex bio-matrix structure of soluble gel-polysaccharide, organic acids, yeasts and bacteria. This polysaccharide called Kefiran is made from two mono-saccharides, Glucose and Galactose in almost equal proportions. Kefiran has anti-tumour properties, preventing the development of metastasis. It is an anti-inflammatory and is an excellent stimulant for your immune system. The grains produce their own antibiotics. Kefir is rich in minerals and vitamins, particularly the B group, and vitamin K2. Kefir slows the ageing process and has many healing properties, helping with heart and artery disease, lowering cholesterol levels and regulating hypertension / blood pressure. It assists your digestive system, healing the liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas, gall bladder and stomach ulcers, and soothing your digestive and urinary tracts.

Kefir Recipe

How to make kefir: put 1-2 tablespoons of kefir grains in 1 cup (250 ml) of milk, and leave it to ferment for 12-48 hours at a temperature of 18-30C. It needs a longer period with less kefir grains or lower temperatures. At first the milk thickens, then it starts to set. Next, it separates into curds and whey. You can eat it at whatever stage you like.
When your kefir is ready, remove the grains with a fork. If you do not want to make another brew immediately, you can store the grains covered with milk or kefir in the refrigerator. If you freeze the grains, you will probably destroy them.
You can use pasteurised, raw milk, full-cream or low-fat milk. I have even made it with whey powder mixed with water. Traditionally it is made with raw, unhomogenised, full fat milk, and that is what makes the best kefir, and is by far the most nutritious and digestible. I have also made kefir with nut milks. The nut kefir was delicious, but the kefir grains were destroyed by the nut milk.
Do not keep your kefir in a metal container like copper, iron or aluminium. Preferably store it in a glass or ceramic container.
There is no need to wash the kefir grains between each brew - this may even damage them. However, it is good practice to give the grains a 'rest' in filtered water once every few months. This rest can be 12-24 hours, and the water produced is a nourishing drink.

Kefir cheese and whey

If you leave the kefir for a day or two it will start to clabber - the cheesy creamy looking curds start to separate from the clear whey. If you plan to separate them, don't stir or shake them for a day. Line a large funnel, plastic sieve or colander with a thin cloth, and gently pour in the mixture. Let the whey gently drip into a container - it can take 24 hours or more. Do not try to squeeze out the cloth or speed the process, or the whey will be cloudy. You can use the curds as a cream or cottage cheese. The whey will store in the refrigerator for many weeks, and has many amazing healing properties (see the Grow Youthful ebook).

Secondary Fermentation

This is the traditional or 'no-fridge' method of storing kefir. You can bottle the liquid and store it at room temperature for up to one week. This will cause secondary fermentation, and the kefir will be fizzy. It will have higher levels of folic acid, alcohol (but less than 2%) and B group vitamins. The secondary fermentation will consume most of the remaining lactose in the kefir, making it suitable for lactose Intolerant people, or those who need to watch their sugar intake (e.g. Diabetics). The longer you leave it, the sourer its taste. Fill the bottle only 3/4 full. Release the build-up of CO2 gas daily, and give the bottle a gentle shake at least once a day. The agitation is necessary to mix the yeast colonies back into the kefir and minimise the chances of mould developing. You can pour out kefir to use at any time, or top it up with fresh kefir made that day - as an ongoing storage method.

Kefir Grains

The kefir grains vary in size from the size of this 0 to that of an egg. They look like a piece of translucent cauliflower or cottage cheese. Between the fingers they feel squishy, kind of slimy, and rubbery in texture. Milk kefir grains are quite chewy and tough. They can take from days to weeks to double in size. They are also highly nutritious to eat - that is where the Kefiran is concentrated.
Some suppliers on the web sell dry kefir starters, dry kefir grains, or powder to produce kefir. None of them are the real thing. It is important to get living kefir grains which reproduce and grow, and have the FULL range of bacteria and yeasts.
Get kefir starter grains from Lesley Wills FPT at Axis Therapy 

Bacteria and yeasts typically found in milk kefir

l. brevis has been identified as the species responsible for the production of the polysaccharide (dextran) that forms the grains.
l. casei. Produces lots of lactic acid; colonises well in the gastric tract; creates a favourable medium in which other beneficial bacteria can grow; inhibits putrefaction and harmful bacteria; increases immune function; helps protect against bacterial infections.
l. hilgardii
l. plantarum. Produces lactic acid; fights listeria monocytogenes; makes plantaricin; inhibits a large number of Gram-positive bacteria - the type of bacteria that cause spoilage.
s. cremoris. Has similar properties to s. lactis.
s. diacetylactis. Produces carbon dioxide in the kefir; makes diacetyl, which gives kefir its characteristic odour; other properties similar to s. lactis.
s. lactis. Produces lactic acid, aids digestion, inhibits harmful microorganisms, produces bacteriolysins.
Kloeckera and possibly others.

Friday 4 January 2013

A happy healthy mindful New Year

Hello happy healthy people this is my first blog of the new year. May I take this opportunity to wish you a year that lives up to all your expectations, so that places the ball firmly back in your court in other words we all create our own reality, good or bad!
  As 2012 was interesting 2013 I suspect will no different. I was last year busy studying and oh yes studying. If you want too understand and in turn enhance your life then to experience the pleasure of new information or ideas is for me one of lifes must! This is a time to set goals be creative with them but let them measurable. Celebrate your successes  then make a new list and start again.
This video blog is mostly about nutrition, again some may say I'm a geek regarding reading and researching nutrition but it is one of my favourite subjects. Below I have added some related topics, covering the mind, body, and spirit, part of my business.
So once again keep life fun, full of mindful movement with a pinch of creative strength. x
ps I should of said Wayne Dyer x